F-275 Grind, Tool Steel Billet, Clone, Hemi

F-275 Grind, Tool Steel Billet, Clone, Hemi
F-275 Grind, Tool Steel Billet, Clone, Hemi


  • This cam has very aggressive ramps and requires an upgraded spring package, billet rod, and flywheel. Use bored stock or Tillotson carb. Great cam if you have a lift check requirement but want maximum open valve duration.
  • Tool Steel Billet cores are the best choice in high RPM applications.
  • The two piece design of the Tool Steel Billet core allows you to advance or retard the cam to meet your application needs.


Engine: 196cc OHV Clone, 212cc Hemi Predator, Honda GX200
Recommended Class:Modified
Target (MAX) RPM:8200-8400
Spring Pressure (In / Ex):32 lbs
Valve Lash (In/Ex):.003"
Ignition Timining:32 Deg BTDC


Open: 54.6 BTDC92.3 BBDC
Close: 90.0 ABDC53.2 ATDC
Lift: .278".278"
C/L: 108.0 ATDC110.0 BTDC
DUR @ 50:258.7 Deg258.6 Deg

Any camshaft that is not in stock will need to be manufactured. This may cause a delay of 5-7 business days.